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Citizens Disability is a non-government affiliated organization, dedicated to helping you get compensation for disabilities.

CSAT Intake Feedback

Your feedback is super important to us, because we’re committed to providing an excellent customer experience for all of our clients and potential clients.

When you share your thoughts with us, you’re helping us do a great job for everyone. Thank you!

"*" indicates required fields

Question 1 - Expertise*
During your call, did the Citizens Disability representative you spoke with demonstrate expertise in assisting you with your application?
Question 2 - Effort*
Can you rate the amount of effort you had to put in during the application process?
Did the Citizens Disability representative you spoke with show genuine interest in helping you with your application?
Question 4 - Overall Experience*
How would you rate your overall experience with Citizens Disability so far?
Can you tell us what was the main reason you decided to hire (or not to hire) Citizens Disability to handle your claim for SSDI benefits? What factors did you consider?
Question 6 - Recommendation*
Finally, how likely would you be recommend Citizens Disability to your friends and relatives, if they wanted to apply for SSDI benefits?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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