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Citizens Disability is a non-government affiliated organization, dedicated to helping you get compensation for disabilities.

Update Your Medical Treatment Records

If you’ve recently had a visit with your regular doctor or another medical professional, please tell us about it! Staying current & up-to-date on your medical treatment will help us provide better service to you and help us prepare your case. Please use the form below to provide your update.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to call us at 1-877-678-0935. Thanks!

Do you have an update regarding your medical treatment?

If you’re an existing client and have updated information about your medical treatment, please let us know. If we have any questions for you, a member of the Client Services team will be in touch with you directly.

"*" indicates required fields

If your current email is not shown here, please enter your email address.
If the best phone number to reach you is not shown, please enter it here
Please type your full address here
Name of the treating medical professional
Address of the treating medical professional's office
City/town of the treating medical professional's office
Zip code of the treating medical professional's office
Phone number for the treating medical professional's office
Date of Visit*
Please enter the date of your visit with this medical professional
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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